
MONA LISA (Self Portrait)

  Acrylic on canvas

Vishakha Hardikar has been a painter for twenty years, an artist for fourty one, but a storyteller forever . Oil and acrylics detail her canvases, but each one of them isn’t just an image, it is a story . And although all her stories have a hero, every character in her paintings is the hero of their own stories . They each demand the same time and space as the more recognizable hero . It is not just Durga that demands her attention, but also the little cubs of Dawon , Durga’s vahan (battle mount) . It is not just Ram that demands her attention, but the apsaras that attend his coronation, completely consumed by their own beauty . Art always reveals the artist’s soul, but with Vishakha’s art, it uncovers something of our souls too . Despite being extremely personal, her paintings seem to open for us a door to a long -forgotten memory or a childhood story we have heard a million times . We’ve seen her characters in our homes, in our storybooks, in our movies and in our imaginations . Vishakha brings those memories to the canvas in her unique style that is equal parts traditionally ornate and pop art Vishakha’s journey as a storyteller did not start with fine art . As a young girl she learnt Kathak for ten years before she started to feel straighjacketed by the formations of the style, but the dance form taught her that every character was important and understanding each one gave you a different insight to the same piece . Years later, as a fresh graduate What Vishakha did take with her was a deep understanding of story flow and structure which carries into her paintings till date . When Vishakha was finally introduced to the canvas, for the first time she felt free - free to to finally express the images and stories that consumed her as a child and that journeyed with her all the way to motherhood .

  • Artist:Vishakha Hardikar
  • Size: 39 X 28 Inches
  • Quantity:1
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